Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Worthy Costs

Freedom and Christ. They go together. Jesus has freed us not only from the penalty of our sins but also from the power of sin. We are changed because of His forgiveness and grace.


Not to do whatever we want, but now free to do what we should. Those things we could not do before, limited by our weaknesses, we now find are becoming our regular behaviors. Attitudes we never entertained before are now ours. Compassion and concern for others now replaces a stifling self-centeredness.

Freedom indeed!

Sometimes, after we have walked with Christ for many years, we forget the wonders of our new found liberty. Seeing these joys again through the eyes of the newly converted reminds us again that the costs of giving these freedoms to others is worth whatever it takes.

Freedom is not free.

Christ poured out His life for ours. Then He commands us to do the same for others.

Lay down our lives?! What a cost!

To go and serve others in Jesus’ Name. To sacrifice my earnings that others can go and serve in Jesus’ Name. The Apostle Paul said he would very gladly spend and be spent for the church at Corinth.

Spend and be spent. That’s the cost of missions.

"I will most gladly spend and be expended for your souls."
2 Corinthians 12:15

Home assignment

Recently Jeff and Peggy Heidorn returned to America for their first furlough or what is now often referred to as ‘home assignment’. Words and the meanings they convey are not always readily understood. A desire to change a name when a part of the definition could confuse others is appropriate. Furlough is defined as “a leave of absence from duty granted, especially to a soldier”. Our missionaries arrange their absences considering the needs of their fellow missionaries and the churches and people they seek to serve overseas. Their absences are keenly felt and their input hard to replace. Most extend their terms in efforts to cover all the ‘ministry bases’ or at least in an attempt to help the ‘troops’ on the ground to not be so thin. But at the same time they must consider the needs of their own family and their extended families here in the states. "Furlough" meaning an absence from duty communicates well when thinking of the gaps left when they leave. It doesn’t mean a vacation from the duty to serve the Lord when they are home. This second definition sounds like that: 'Furlough' – to lay off from work.
Far from “laying off from work”, most missionaries will tell you their home assignment times are exhausting. Extra travel, many speaking opportunities, re-entry language difficulties, and much temporary housing can take its toll. Any change of routine, even vacations, which are much needed diversions, can be tiring as well. Most missionaries stay at work sharing their ministries and opportunities with those interested in what God is doing through them. God often uses these stories to stir our hearts to further faithfulness and service.
Jeff and Peggy spoke at our church last Wednesday just before they departed for several appointments in multiply states from the South through the Mid-west. They did a great job and their video report was excellent (you can get it at the website). Pray that God will use them and other ‘furloughed’ missionaries to inspire others to answer God’s call in going or in sending others who can share the Gospel of redemption with those who haven’t heard. Please pray for their safety in travel.
Thank you for not “taking a break” in your work for the glory of God. Your consistency will bear rich dividends for eternity!

"And when they had arrived and gathered the church together, they began to report all things that God had done with them and how He had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles." Acts 14:27

So that in all things, He is glorified ...

The month of May brings the return of warm weather and the varied and marvelous beauties of springtime. The air is rich in the music of birds and the forests are a delight to the eyes with each blossoming tree and bush from the dogwoods to azaleas. Our Creator paints the mountains with as rich a palette of variegated springtime greens as He does in autumn with the mixture of yellows and reds and oranges.
Springtime at The Master's Mission is also the time many of our adjunct instructors return, bringing their expertise and scholarship to equip our missionary class now in training. Dr. Herb Samworth teaches church history and how God preserved His Word for everyone. Gary Vaterlaus, now with Answers in Genesis, taught from the other terminus of the Bible on the doctrine of last things. This June will see the return of Russ Kennedy and Greg Cook of Clearcreek Counseling Ministries who provide Level One training in Biblical counseling for our candidates. July will bring a study of origins with Charlie Liebert.
We were blessed to have two of our Board members with us recently. Dr. Dan Hayden spent two weeks teaching homiletics, examining the principles of Bible study, sermon construction and communication skills. Scott Pierre, along with his assistant Stu Kinniburgh (who is spearheading a new missions recruiting approach among active and retired military families), made a special trip in order to meet the current candidates and to get to know them. We are grateful for Board members like Dan and Scott who bear their trust in such personal ways. They take seriously their calling to support this work and insure the integrity of what is taught.
Each of these men is an active practitioner and leader in other ministries. Their interest in our candidates goes beyond the classroom as they share their lives around meals and Q&A sessions in the evenings. What a rich palette of dedicated men God has provided along with Paul Teasdale and the rest of the resident training staff. The mixture of their gifts reflects the “manifold grace of God” (I Peter 4:10). God’s work in redemption is as beautiful as His artistry in creation. Faithful men – all gifted differently – training faithful missionaries – all with differing abilities all using the strength God provides – so that in all things, He is glorified through Jesus Christ.
Please pray with us that God would be pleased to use TMM to provide the training needed for missionaries who then can extend the message of salvation. One day in the Springtime of Eternity we can rejoice together with those who have been redeemed!